September 18, 2018

Meditation twice — once in the morning and once before bed.  Both for fifteen minutes.  The second session was fruitful and I felt a couple of minutes of real concentration.  I felt more grounded throughout the day also.  I had two cups of decaf coffee because of a terrible headache.  No exercise today because I’m sore from yesterday. Weight is 190 lbs.

17 September 2018

This is my first day without coffee. I woke at 7 am and meditated for 15 minutes.  My mind constantly wandered.  It was not a productive session but better than recent ones.  I didn’t notice effects of caffeine withdrawal during the day.  I meditated for 15 minutes again in the evening. This session was better than the morning one, but I had difficulty maintaining focus.  I did the rollers for about 45 minutes and rings.  I feel less bloated today.

16 September 2018

This is a daily diary.  I will keep this diary for one year.  After this time, it will be permanently deleted.  Its purpose is to cultivate a more consistent habit of mind and to promote daily meditation and physical exercise.

Today I weighed 194 lbs.  The heaviest I’ve ever weighed.  I am bloated and have a sore throat.  I have been eating too much, drinking too much coffee.  Coffee has made me unable to meditate.  Tomorrow I will not consume caffeine and will meditate for fifteen minutes.  In one year, I aim to have a one-hour-a-day vipassana practice.